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Docs of vipulgupta2048

Welcome to my corner of the internet!

I am Vipul, going by @vipulgupta2048. I am an open-source developer, documentarian, community manager and growth hacker. I enjoy backpacking solo on long trips, reviewing cheesecakes in each country I visit and collecting Calvin & Hobbes comics.

This docs site is my collection of everything I ever done which makes up for a pretty good portfolio. I am not a person that appreciate rebuilding the wheel unless for personal learning. Hence, back in 2016 when I was introduced to computer science. I was hooked. I was hooked on the idea of building things. I was hooked on the idea of sharing knowledge. I was hooked on the idea of open-source which became the North Star of my career.


I strongly believe in Open Source being more than software. It’s a culture, a conversation, a way to bring the best minds together for the common good. This culture thrives on the principles of collaboration, transparency, and shared achievement. It's a realm where barriers of entry have been lowered to enable folks to grow, contribute and learn from each other.

As a result, open-source is not just a method for developing software; it's a movement; it's a way of life. I aim to rethink that for more companies embracing innersource and want to take on new roles in organization who want to think about this. You can hire me to do just that.

Over the years, I have given back considerable time in enabling efforts towards a better open-source future. These docs reflect that journey. It's an odometer that keeps track of my professional journey for I think was time well spent on Earth giving back. Personal introspection aside, maintaing this collection has worked well for sudden bouts of either imposter syndrome hitting or recruiter screens when looking for a role.

Failures of 2048​

With this section, I intend to make it crystal clear that it hasn't been an easy journey.

The grass is never greener on any side and it never gets easier. If you are someone who is starting to contribute to open-source, pursuing higher studies in computer science, or learning something new. Keep learning, you are just fine. This list shouldn't become a checklist.

These lists doesn't list the hundred of failures, rejections or lost opportunities. My advice for you (The Reader) to dig deep, don't lose hope in STEM, and give your best shot to everything from this moment on. Life's got something nice in store for you too. I know it truly does. I know the rat race would soon end for you. Keep working hard, and keep being in the mix of things.


If you like what you see, what I do and how I do it, then drop a quick message how I can do it even better for you. Appreciate it! Feel to reach out for anything else as well, happy to connect and help out.


I always had an idea to build a docs as portfolio website since I love docs so much but the inspiration on Docusaurus showcase definitely helped. I already had talkswith2048 for the docs which paired nicely with's clean, minimalistic welcome page. Thank you for open-sourcing that.

At last, I am thankful for each person who waited till my talk finished, met up in a conference to share their valuable feedback, helped me in a GitHub issue, gave me a new opportunity, asked the right questions that made me learn more, think further and most importantly, allowed me to fail. You know who you are. I wrote acknowledgements a while back and I should probably write more about all the amazing people fueling this amazing open-source community.